
Will you be my 'maid?

...bridesmaid, of course!  Your wedding day is the best day to be surrounded by your life long friends, which have probably been there for every important step of your life.  I just love how thoughtful brides are being, by asking their friends (who I am sure, already assumed they were!) to be apart of their wedding.

Many of you know that my best friend is getting married this fall and I am super excited for her wedding.  Both her and her fiance' are HUGE movie fan. Like, I can't think of one movie they haven't seen.  So their wedding has a bit of theatrics to it, starting with these...

How cute, right!  We received the Bridesmaid's movie poster with our faces on the characters!    Attached was the sweetest hand written note from my best friend, the bride, asking to be apart of her big day. It was too cute.  The funniest thing...I feel as though our personalities fit the characters whose body we are attached to...priceless!  Her fiance' sent his groomsmen a Mission Impossible movie poster.  I just love them!!!

How will you ask your friends to be apart of your day?


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